Catherine Price - The Power of Fun (2022) ENG

data: – 03.02.2022, 23:38
Viste: 206
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In our always-on, tech-addicted lifestyles, we often think of the pursuit of fun as an indulgence. When we do find time to relax, we often turn to activities that are not actually that enjoyable, let alone fun: bingeing on television and movies, doomscrolling the news, or feeding our FOMO on social media.

But award-winning science journalist Catherine Price has learned the truth: far from being frivolous, fun is the key to living a more meaningful, fulfilling and happier life. If you make fun a priority, you will be healthier and have more energy. You will be more productive, less resentful and less stressed. You will find community and a sense of purpose. You will stop languishing and start flourishing. And best of all? You'll enjoy the process.

In The Power of Fun, Price argues that fun will lead to the happiness we so desperately seek, and includes a practical plan for how to incorporate more fun into our daily lives. Ground-breaking, eye-opening and packed with useful advice, The Power of Fun won't just change the way you think about fun. It will bring you back to life.


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