[PC] Warlock 2 The Exiled Update 2.1.128 (2014) - ENG

Categoria: Giochi / Giochi PC
data: – 19.04.2014, 10:22
Viste: 828
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CODEX has released the newest update of “Warlock 2 The Exiled” for PC.


- (Hopefully) Fixed a rare bug when several different quests merged into one (looked like impossible percentages which totalled more than 100%).
- Fixed a bug when a player could not offer peace during war.
- Fixed a bug when there was no fog of war if a player previously used world editor.
- A world customization screen is now available in MP.
- Fixed: not saving a custom mage's name.
- Fixed a CTD in world editor when deleting a world and then adding a new world of larger size.
- A player can now import and export saved files. For example to report a bug so that developers could reproduce (and fix) it.
- Added new GFX options: vertical sync and anti-aliasing.
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