[ANDROID] Stacked Deck v14.037 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 28.04.2014, 21:14
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Divertenti trucchi di magia con un mazzo di carte e il tuo Android !!


Includes several advanced magic effects that any magician will enjoy and have fun performing. They are fun magic tricks with your phone and a deck of cards. Card tricks with phones do not get any better.

Magic Effects included ...
... Crystal Ball - A spectator can name any card or select a card from a normal deck. The card then magically appears inside a crystal ball.
... Pick A Card - A spectator picks a card from a normal deck, then touches any card on the phone. It is the selected card.
... Prediction - You predict a card in advance then have a spectator pick a card from a normal deck The prediction matches their card.
... Rising Card - The selected card slowly rises out of a deck of cards in a glass.
... Second Chance - Two cards are selected. The first card appears out of candle. a few seconds the second card appears.
... Shadow Card - A card is selected from a normal deck. Wave your hand over the phone and the selected card appears inside the phone.
... Spooky - A joker changes to the selected card.
... Trapped - Several cards are selected. They touch the phone. Their card appears. It it floating around on the screen but is trapped inside the phone.
... Virtual Card - A card is selected from the deck. The card vanishes from the deck and appears inside your phone. The actual card is then produced from the phone.
... Wild Card - A joker changes to the selected card then back to the joker.
... Have a spectator pick a card from a normal deck and one from the deck on the phone. They will match.
... All these magic tricks can be easily repeated. You can even have several spectators pick several cards then reveal them one at a time just like you would with your normal memorized deck.
.. Most tricks are performed in conjunction with a stacked deck or a memorized deck of cards.

If you like to perform advanced card magic tricks. Stacked Deck is for you. The app includes several tricks using a smart phone and a memorized deck or stacked deck of cards Plus instructions for several advanced magic tricks you can do with a normal deck of cards.

The magic tricks are advanced and designed for magicians. Stacked Deck is used by top magicians to fool magicians.

All these stacks are included.
... Joyal
... Six Kings
... Si Stebbins
... Boris Wild
... Charles Gauci
... Ellis Stanyon
... Ernest Hammond
... Haratio Galasso
... Jack Yates
... Nikola
... Aronson
... Tamariz
... Osterlind
... You can even create your own stack.

11 aprile 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.1 e superiori


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