[ANDROID] Board Games Collection v1.9.1 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 10.01.2016, 17:28
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32 giochi da tavolo tra cui Scacchi, Dama, ecc.

in una singola applicazione !!


Experience the evolution of chess. Play under ancient rules used 1500 years ago.
Petteia and Latrunculi are even older games and predecessors of chess.
Tafl is a group of old german strategic games.
Play different variants of checkers on 6x6, 8x8 and 10x10 boards.

- Tablut & Brandubh (Tafl Variants)
- Petteia
- Ludus Latrunculi
- Indian Chess (Chaturanga)
- Persian Chess (Shatranj)
- Arabic Chess Opening
- Chinese Chess
- modern Chess
- Janus Chess
- Heian Shogi on 8x8 and 9x9 boards
- Sho Shogi on 7x8 and 9x9 boards
- Mini Shogi
- Shogi
- smaller Chess Variants on 5x6, 6x6 and 7x7 boards
- Checkers on 6x6 and 8x8 boards
- german Checkers variant
- International Checkers on 10x10 board
- Connect4
- TikTakToe
- Reversi

Whether you are beginner or advanced player - adjust the difficulty of the chess engine to your individual level of experience or use the automatic adjustment of the level. To support beginners the program will occasionally make mistakes at the lower two levels.

The result of a played game is used to calculate a personal skill level on the statistics page.
There is also the optional feature of an anonymous highscore table. Try to get to the Top10 players
of a game.


06 gennaio 2016
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.1 e superiori




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