Un sorprendente acquario 3D con
animazioni realistiche e completamente personalizzabile !!
This is an amazing 3D aquarium with realistic animations and full customization.
-Select between 4 types of freshwater fishes
-Adjust the size, velocity and quantity of the bubbles.
-Select your favorite aquarium ground (Grass, Gravel, Sand)
-Select between three plants species .
-Customize the aquarium ornaments.
-Select a water color.
-Select the aquarium background.
-Adjust the light intensity and color.
-Adjust the caucastics velocity.
-Enable camera motion.
-Adjust the FPS.
Home->Long Press->Live Wallpapers
My Aquarium Launcher Icon->Set
-Double tap on Home Screen to quick access to the settings menu.
-If the wallpaper runs on Home Screen, do not select it again from wallpaper picker list.
16 gennaio 2015
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
3.0 e superiori
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