[ANDROID] Naughty Emojis by Emoji World v4.4 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 01.11.2015, 10:51
Viste: 713
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Sii cattivo con Naughty Emoticons !!
Naughty Emojis can spice up your relationship or just put a huge smile on the face of whoever you are talking to. You can use these naughty emoticons in classrooms, business meetings, private settings, right before bed, early in the morning, any time of the day is perfect for a naughty emoji! Spice up your texts today and Be Bad With Us! ^_^

- Unique Naughty Emojis That Will Shock Everyone!
- Super Fast Loading!
- Middle Finger Emojis (Male & Female), Shocker Hand And The List Goes On!


- Method 1 -
To share a naughty emoji, simply touch it, then touch the chat app you want to share it with!

- Method 2 -
Using your favorite chat app, go to attach an image. Choose Naughty then pick a naughty emoji to share!


2 ottobre 2015
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.2 e superiori




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