[ANDROID] SpyCamcorder Widget v1.0.3 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 26.11.2015, 08:58
Viste: 984
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 Il modo più rapido e comodo di ottenere una
registrazione video senza che nessuno lo sappia !!

Spy Camcorder Widget !

The quick and easy anytime, anywhere, and get an video recording without anyone knowing.

Current best spy Camcorder!

Even operating any operations can be performed. (However, the camera / recorder app crashes)

Your shots, No one can recognize.


1. In standby mode, it works. No one can know what you are recording.

2. Operate the small, simple widget mode is easy.

3. Change the recorded file, then share with others, or, can be sent to their email.

4. Spy Camcorder provides list views.


1. If the app is deleted, the stored data will be deleted. If the app be deleted, please back up your data.

2. Spy Camcorder runs on an internal operation, the other recorder applications as a service can not be executed.
This is the cause of the error.

Versione corrente
È necessario Android
3.0 e superiori

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