[ANDROID] Solar System Scope PRO v2.6.0 .apk - MULTI ITA

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 04.01.2016, 10:20
Viste: 621
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Descrizione articolo
Simulazione in tempo reale in 3D del nostro Sistema Solare !!
3D real-time simulation of the Solar System and Night sky - paid version:
Full-screen experience without ads and with possibility to hide user interface 

- Requires at least 50 MB of free space on card to open correctly
- Languages available: english, spanish, german, russian, italian, korean, slovak

- Heliocentric view with real-time positions of planets and planetary orbits
- Schematic and realistic sizes of the planets and distances between them
- Movement of the planets in time to see how they move in relation to each other - Virtual Orrery 
- Planetary exploration with info texts, images and additional views such as structure 
- Moons (Galilean moons, Deimos & Phobos, Titan and 15 others)
- Dwarf planets (Pluto, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake. Eris) and their orbits
- Comets (Siding Spring, Lovejoy 2013, Lovejoy 2011, Panstarrs, ISON, Halley, 67P, 209P) - positions and trajectories
- Spacecraft Rosetta and its journey to comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

- Stars and constellation of the night sky as viewed from a given location - Virtual Observatory
- Interactive night sky: point the device at the sky to see all objects in their proper place
- Changes in the night sky during night, month and year 
- Advanced searching of the objects
- Ecliptic line, grid lines and more


16 novembre 2015
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.2 e superiori


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