[ANDROID] World INFO v1.4 Paid .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 10.01.2016, 12:30
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L'enciclopedia dei paesi mondiali sul tuo Android !!
Encyclopedia of countries, showing facts about 260+ countries, including the 50 states of the USA.

This is an ad-free application, based on recent 2015 data from a.o. the popular CIA WORLD FACTBOOK, Worldbank, US Census bureau, etc..

For each country and US-state, multiple topics are off-line available to provide you up-to-date facts, maps, graphs and figures..

Easy searching based on for instance country name, capital name, region, flag, topic, etc.

This app includes world clock, currency converter, quiz, photos, weather forecasts, sun/moon time information and shows recent earthquakes from all over the world.

It provides educational facts and figures presented in text and nice charts. A handy application when traveling, doing research, education, or when watching sport events like the olympic games, etc.

The "World Info"-application contains information and facts organized in specific categories to allow fast and easy access to country specific details.


09 maggio 2015
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
3.0 e superiori


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