Orienta il tuo device nel cielo e identifica pianeti, stelle e costellazioni !! Your window to the starry skyGet oriented in the night sky in no time! Hold your device into the sky to observe and identify planets, stars and constellations through your phone's display. Enjoy Astrolapp's highly sensitive and very accurate live-mode, along with a visually appealing and intuitive interface.
Stars are drawn according to their true color and provided with their names according to the International Astronomical Union. Optionally, the 88 official constellations are drawn with or without their latin names.
Tapping on any star or planet, Astrolapp highlights the path across the sky which the celestial body follows in the course of the night (or day). In addition, Astrolapp calculates rise and set times for any celestial body to the minute and shows the current position data in tabular form on a separate pull-out display.
Astrolapp automatically detects your current location and uses it to calculate the starry sky as you are seeing it. But if you ever want to know what the starry sky looks like at the other end of the world, just use the built-in map to select any other location.
Aggiornata11 ottobre 2023
Versione corrente5.2.1.7
È necessario Android5.0 e versioni successive
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