Pensi di conoscere i muscoli del tuo corpo?
MD è un gioco a quiz coinvolgente che mette alla prova la
tua velocità e sfida la tua memoria !!
-Contains dozens of images.
-Contains hundreds of labeled muscles from all the main regions of the body.
-Earn points for precision.
-Bonus points for time.
-Bonus points for five right answers in a row..
-A magnifying glass appears when holding your finger on an image allowing you to achieve more precision and higher scores.
-Switch language in the main menu.
This is a must have game if you are tackling anatomy for high school, university or medical school. It is more captivating than flash cards. Practice mode allows you to learn specific regions without doing all the previous levels.
Also try Speed Angiology MD and Speed Bones MD to test your knowledge of the circulatory system and bones!
Includes. English, Spanish, French, German/Latin, Italian and Japanese!
29 dicembre 2013
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.3.3 e superiori
Password: velvet
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