Un frenetico shoot 'em che offre ai giocatori
un'avvincente avventura nello spazio !!
You must fight for Honor and your Universe !
-Fast paced gameplay
-Realistic,beatiful 3d and 2d grafics
-The use of sensitive Joystick or Gryscope inputs.
-10 different level music , 65 fx sounds.
-15 uniqe enemy space ship ,meteors , aliens
-20 uniqe boss weapon systems and 10 different Bosses.
-11 different levels and scenes ,last one is Endless
-Changeable User Interface
-10 different Bonus
-Share your score on Facebook and race with your friends !
-Race with all players !
Hava a good time !
22 maggio 2014
Versione corrente
1.0 Mod
È necessario Android
2.3 e superiori
Password: velvet
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