[ANDROID] Over v1.0.18 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 21.08.2014, 08:46
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Aggiungi testo e artworks alle tue foto !!


Over is the app for adding text and artwork to your photos. Designed with mobile creatives in mind, Over features standard and custom-made fonts and well-crafted artwork combined with a sleek design, easy-to-use functionality, and immediate sharing ability.

Features Include:

EXCLUSIVE FONTS & ARTWORK: Over features unique, beautiful fonts and original, eye-catching artwork from a variety of artists for you to add to your pictures.

MAKE SOMETHING AWESOME: In Over, you’ll be able to discover artwork perfect for outdoor adventures, add handcrafted icons for any occasion, design with geometric font awesomeness, say “Happy Birthday” in style, present challenging and inspirational words, and much more.

EDITING: In Over you can nudge, size, rotate, fade, copy, and center your artwork and text, tint and crop your photos, and stretch your text. Pick from among plenty of color choices to make the text or artwork pop, or blend in.

SHARING: When you’re finished with your picture you can share it directly via email, text message, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more.

SUPERB CUSTOMER SERVICE: If you run into an issue with Over, simply shoot us a message from within the app. We’ll work with you to resolve quickly any problems that you have.

STORE: Our in-app store showcases several exclusive art and font packs for purchase.

FUN: Over is fun. It allows you to express your creativity on the go.

COMMUNITY: You can check out our community of mobile creatives at the @over Instagram account and, we hope, be inspired by what others are making with the app. Search Instagram for #bestofOver and #madewithOver too.


20 agosto 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
4.0 e superiori


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