[ANDROID] Dinosaurs 3D Pro lwp v1.0 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 29.09.2014, 13:42
Viste: 796
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Immergiti completamente nella preistoria in

questo sorprendente sfondo 3D !!


One of the most amazing 3D live wallpapers on Google Play for your phone or tablet! Stunning fully 3d prehistoric environment inhabited by dinosaurs right on the screen of your phone! Realistic lighting and animations will make you feel what ancient creatures came alive! 5 different cameras will allow you to explore Dinosaurs 3d Pro world easily.
Also additional customization settings available, including 4 different backgrounds.

Do not rely on screenshots, you have to download it to understand the real 3D impact!

Dinosaurs 3d Pro lwp made with OPEN GL 2.0 and optimized to consume low resources and also not to drain your battery.
Installation: The main screen (long press) → Live Wallpaper → Dinosaurs 3d Pro lwp
On some devices the first loading can be a little bit slow, just give it half minute.


11 febbraio 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.2 e superiori


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