[ANDROID] Marine Navigator v2.1.10 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 24.05.2016, 19:06
Viste: 907
Commenti: 0
Descrizione articolo
Un navigatore offline che utilizza le carte nautiche raster (RNC) !!
Marine Navigator is an offline navigator using raster navigational charts (RNC's) to plot your position in real time. This way you can navigate with true copies of official paper charts on your mobile device. This full version of the Marine Navigator provides besides the functionality of the lite version the following enhanced functions:
* automatic chart switching depending on current position and zoom level
* scrolling through all charts available for the current location by "press and hold" zoom buttons
* display of number of available charts for current location in the zoom buttons
* display of outlines of installed charts in active chart
* chart rotation (True North, True Course, Compass Heading, original chart orientation)
* support of non-mercator projections (Polyconic, Transverse Mercator, UTM, ...) by polynomials
* support of geodetic datum other than WGS84/NAD83 by applying northing and easting
* tracks, way points, routes
* follow route automatically
* intuitive route editor
* gpx import and export of waypoints and routes
* gpx export of tracks
* recording of tracks in active and standby mode
* compass (magnetic heading, true heading, true north indicator)
* different dashboard layouts (basic data, detailed route data, detailed GPS data including graphical status info)
* Man Over Board (MOB) functions
* import and storage of installed charts in external folders

10 febbraio 2016
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.2 e superiori





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