Videocamera per la visione notturna,
che scatta foto di notte con bassa luminosità !!
Bright, Fast, Simple a good subject to start! While your photo flesh is unable to light the exotic beauty of nature, or moon and stars high in the skies, or beautiful sea waves, or flowers at night: Night Mode Camera is ready to do that at the lowest luminosity without any additional appliances. With low light support during the photo/video recording you can dynamically change camera sensitivity to achieve the best result as well as set any 1-8x zoom simultaneous to the recording due to the professional development. The app not only allows you to keep and organize your own library but as well to share them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
•Аmplifier picker
•Color saturation picker
•Green amplification mode
•Fast exposure
•Front, rear camera
•Led light
•HD photo video mode
•Focus refresh button
•8x zoom
•Built In library
•Photo video slider
•Photo video share
•Photo editing direct from gallery
30 marzo 2019
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
4.1 e versioni successive
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