[ANDROID] Pocket Planets v1.0.5 .apk - ENG

Categoria: Smartphone / Android
data: – 13.12.2014, 17:47
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Il più completo e curato simulatore del
nostro Sistema Solare in 3D !!

Pocket Planets is the most comprehensive 3D Solar System Simulator in the Google Play Store.
With accurate scale representation of the Sun, Planets, Moons, Asteroids, Dwarfs and detailed information to the celestial objects.
Use it as educational software for your kids, or regardless if you are a beginner or advanced astronomer, this App brings you closer to the planets than any telescope.
Working great on smartphones and tablets.

- the Sun, the bright shining star in the center of our Solar System
- Mercury, the fastest planet orbiting around our Sun
- Venus, its greenhouse effect produces a surface temperature that would melt lead
- Earth, the blue oasis and only place filled with life
- Mars, inspiration for many SciFi films and books
- Jupiter, the giant, guardian and protector in our neighborhood
- Saturn, with rings of unique beauty and elegance
- Uranus, which rolls over its orbit like a bowling ball
- Neptune, the outermost recognized planet
- Pluto, one of a new category of dwarf planets

- Super smooth UI
- Nearly 200 simulation objects
- Simulation of real celestial body distances and dimensions
- Adjustable simulator time with an innovative timeslider
- Flexible camera system for a unique viewing experience
- Portrait and landscape mode
- Many HD textures, some of original recordings (NASA Voyager, Cassini spacecraft)
- Many preference options
- Ephemeris data based on NASA Horizons system
- Orbit calculations with modified Kepler algorithms
- Encyclopedia function, the most important information from Wikipedia

11 dicembre 2014
Versione corrente
È necessario Android
2.2 e superiori

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